Sheffield Synchronised Skating Academy Club constitution
1. Name and Affiliation
1.1 The club shall be called the Sheffield Synchronized Skating Academy (SSSA), and will be affiliated to
the National Ice Skating Association (NISA).
2. Aims
2.1 SSSA is set up by Amanda Hembrow to promote and protect the interests of the members of SSSA
appertaining to Synchronised Ice Skating.
2.2 To foster and promote the sport of Synchronized Skating at all levels providing opportunities for
recreation and competition.
2.3 To develop young people’s self-esteem, self-reliance, and fortitude through participation in
competitive sport.
2.4 To develop individuals and the squad as a whole to reach the highest standards in synchronized
2.5 To achieve national and international recognition.
3. Membership
3.1 Membership of the SSSA shall be confined to eligible persons as defined by NISA.
3.2 Skaters must hold the required level of skating set out at the beginning of each season by the Head
3.3 Membership allows members to participate in the sport of Synchronised Skating as part of SSSA.
Training sessions, team selections, and participation in competitions is by allocation of the coaching
3.4 There shall be three classes of membership available. These are:
3.5 Senior skater member- All ages over 18. Voting rights.
3.6 Junior skater member – under 18 years of age. Non-voting rights. One parent or guardian of a
Junior skating member will have one vote at an AGM or EGM.
3.7 Associate member – Ice skating coaches, club officials, volunteers who support the club by assisting
members of SSSA. Non-voting members.
3.8 Membership subscriptions are paid over twelve (12) months in equal instalments and are due by
the 5th of each months. Subscription rates will be reviewed every 3 months. Competition fees, kit and
all other costs are extra and are payable as requested.
3.9 All monthly subscriptions are payable regardless of available ice time or trainings skaters cannot
attended due to personal circumstances. It is expected that there may be months with less ice time than
others due to events with in the rink. Likewise extra ice slots are added to other months.
3.10 Membership will be suspended if fees and competition costs are not maintained according to SSSA
3.11 In exceptional circumstances members may apply in writing for suspension of membership, this will
be considered by the committee. On return the Head coach will re-confirm which team place will be
allocated. (eg of exceptional circumstances will long term illness, state/formal exams)
3.12 Members will be ineligible to vote on Academy matters if their accounts are not maintained
according to SSSA requirements.
3.13 Members (Guardians of Junior members) are not eligible to stand for committee positions if their
accounts are not maintained according to SSSA requirements.
3.14 All members by joining SSSA will be subject to the constitution codes of conduct and all policies
adopted by the SSSA. These include the NISA safeguarding, codes of conduct skaters and parents.
The Committee reserves the right to suspend the membership of any member failing to comply
with constitutions and policies of SSSA
3.15 No person shall be refused membership on the grounds of race, colour, creed, religion, gender,
sexual preference, impairment or disability.
3.16 All members will be subject to the regulations of the constitution and by joining the club will be
deemed to accept these regulations and codes of practice that the club has adopted. These include
the NISA safeguarding, codes of conduct skaters and parents.
3.17 Members on accepting an offered place in a team are committing to attending all allocated
training sessions both on and off ice. If unable to attend the Head coach and team co-ordinators
should be notified as soon as possible.
3.18 On leaving SSSA members should inform the Head Coach. Subscriptions fess are payable for the full
month in which they leave.
3.19 Visitors/guests may be invited to try out with a team or training session and use the SSSA facilities,
a charge will be associated with this, the fee will be set by the committee and head coach. This
does not allow the visitor full membership rights until invited to join the club by the Head Coach.
4. Officers
4.1 The Officers of the SSSA, shall be a maximum of 10 and minimum of the 5 core positions.
CORE Officer positions x 5
Chairperson, (elected)
Welfare Officer/s (elected)
Secretary (elected)
Treasurer (elected)
Head Coach (non-elected)
NONE CORE officer positions x 5 (see 4.2)
Examples of.
Competition Secretary (elected)
Team representative (elected)
Websites, media and marketing (elected)
Fundraising (elected)
2nd Welfare Officer (elected)
Each with voting rights
4.2 The committee will regularly review the roles of each officer to keep efficient operation of the club.
The committee will have flexibility to change role titles/description of non-core officers as their positions
come up for re-election. Any changes will reflect the current needs of the club.
4.3 Invited non-core committee members, advisors and invited sub-committee members are not
entitled to vote.
4.4 At initial set up SSSA Amanda Hembrow will invite the first Core Officers to help in the formation of
SSSA. For stability of SSSA these posts will be re-elected at a 50% ratio on the 2nd and 3rd AGM.
5. Election of Officers
5.1 All Elected Officers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the SSSA, from and by the
Associate and Senior members of the Academy.
5.2 All Officers are elected for a period of up to 2 year, but may be re-elected to the same office or
another office the following year.
5.3 Where positions are uncontested, nominations received will be ratified at the Annual General
5.4 Officers posts available for election will be notified at time of notice of the Annual General Meeting.
5.5 Nominations of candidates for election as officers shall be made in writing to the Secretary/Chair at
least 14 days in advance of the Annual General Meeting date. Those standing for election will be
made public no later than 5 days before the AMG.
5.6 Nominations can only be made by Full or Guardian of Junior members and must be seconded by
another Full or Guardian of a Junior member. Consent from the nominee should also be given in
5.7 Voting will be as a show of hand plus any votes logged with the Chairperson which will be declared
after the vote in the room, the person with the majority votes will be elected. In case of a tie the
Chairman will have the deciding vote.
5.8 Members unable to attend an AGM or EGM may make their vote on the appropriate from, which
should be given to the Secretary or Chairperson no later than 48hr before the meeting
6. Running of Sheffield Synchronised Skating Academy (SSSA)
6.1 The academy will be controlled by a general committee comprising of the Officers of the SSSA, who
shall each have one vote.
6.2 One other member of the coaching team is invited to attend each committee meeting but may not
6.3 The duties of the general committee shall be:
6.4 To control the affairs of the Academy on behalf of the members in accordance with the constitution
and its policies.
6.5 To keep accurate accounts of the finances of the club through the Treasurer. The accounts should be
available for reasonable inspection by members and must be audited before every Annual General
Meeting. SSSA shall maintain a bank current account and the following officers shall be authorised
to sign SSSA cheques: any one from Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, and Head Coach. Because
only one signature is required on a cheque all payments will be ratified at the next committee
meeting. These officers will also have access to internet banking. The Treasurer should ensure that
SSSA funds always have a positive balance.
The financial year shall run from 1st April to 31st March, after which a statement of accounts shall be
6.6 The Committee may co-opt additional members to help the Committee when it feels this is
Such as but not limited to:-
Fundraising Coordinator
Social Events Coordinator
Skating Events Coordinator (including competitions and gala)
Team Coordinators
Co-opted members shall not be entitled to a vote on the Committee.
6.7 The Committee may set up subcommittees to help in running of the SSSA as required. At least one
core officer will sit on a subcommittee, which will report back to the main committee. Invited
subcommittee members are not entitled to vote at committee meetings.
6.8 The Committee will appoint advisors (non-voting) to the committee as required.
6.9 The general committee shall meet at agreed intervals and not less than 4 times per year.
6.10 To make decisions on the basis of a simple majority vote. In the case of equal votes, the Chairperson
shall be entitled to an additional casting vote.
6.11 A quorum for any meeting of the committee shall include 4 core officers.
6.12 Should a Committee member retire before their term finishes, the Committee may co-opt a
replacement officer. They must stand down at the next AGM, but may stand for re-election.
6.13 The committee shall organise the auditing of accounts to be ratified at the next AGM
6.14 All members of the club shall be jointly and severally responsible for the financial liabilities of SSSA
6.15 The committee may organise fundraising and social events appropriate to promoting and advancing
the interests of SSSA and its members.
6.16 Open competitions organised by SSSA must conform to the Rules of BIS as currently inforce.
6.17 The committee will be responsible for adopting new policy, codes of practice and rules that affect
the organisation of SSSA
6.18 Discipline and appeals. All concerns, allegations or reports of poor practice/abuse relating to
the welfare of children and young people will be recorded and responded to swiftly and
appropriately in accordance with the SSSA policies. The Club Welfare Officer is the lead contact
for all members in the event of any child protection concerns.
6.19 Roles of volunteers. It is acknowledged that members would not be able to attend and
train for competitions without the support of many volunteers. All volunteers are required to
comply with code of practice for volunteers.
6.20 Every member and Guardian of Junior members is required to give at least 5 hours of
volunteering time each year. The committee will ask for volunteer help as and when required.
6.21 SSSA Development. SSSA will bid for funding that allows for development of both new and
existing members in order to contribute to the promotion and development of the sport of
Synchronised Skating.
6.22 The core committee may make decisions by email correspondence, with the provision of that all
core officers agree to the decision which will then be ratified at the next committee meeting.
6.23 It is expected that individual core officers may have to make day to day operating decisions for the
benefit of smooth running of the club, e.g. arranging ice, camps, travel arrangements, competition
entries and logistics. The rest of the core committee will be kept informed.
7. Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Annual General Meetings are the means whereby the members of SSSA, exercise their democratic
rights in conducting the Club’s Affairs. The meeting will be open to all members and voting guardians
of Junior Members. Those with vested interests in the club may attend but have no voting rights.
7.1 The Annual General Meeting shall be held not later than the end of June each year. 21 clear days
written notice shall be given to members of the Annual General Meeting by e-mail and by notice on
the SSSA website/or details sign posted from Facebook . Members wishing to place an item on the
agenda for the AGM should do so at least 14 days before a meeting. The Secretary shall circulate or
give notice of the agenda for the meeting to members not less than 7 days before the meeting.
7.2 The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be to:
7.3 Confirm the minutes of the previous AGM and any Extraordinary General Meetings held since the
last AGM.
7.4 To receive the Treasurer’s report and approve the Annual Accounts.
7.5 To receive the Chairperson’s report.
7.6 To receive the Coaches’ report.
7.7 To elect the Officers of the Club.
7.8 To agree the membership fees for the following year. The committee has the right to review this to
ensure that its operating expenses are covered.
7.9 Consider any proposed changes to the Constitution
7.10 To transact such other business received in writing by the Secretary from members 14 days prior to
the meeting and included on the agenda.
7.11 At all AGMs, or Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM), the Chair will be taken by the Chairperson.
Should the Chairperson not able to attend then one of the other Core Officers may act as the Chair.
7.12 Decisions made at an AGM or EGM shall be by a simple majority of votes from those Senior and
Guardians of Junior skaters with voting rights attending the meeting, along with the Chairman’s
declaration of members not present votes. In the event of equal votes, the Chairperson shall be
entitled to an additional casting vote.
7.13 Each Senior and one Guardian of Junior member SSSA shall be entitled to one vote at AGMs or
EGMs. If a Senior or Guardian voter is unable to attend an AGM or EGM, they may notify the
Chairperson of their vote in writing at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
7.14 A secret ballot may be requested by voting members concerning a particular motion provided
approval is obtained by a majority of those eligible to vote
7.15 A quorum for an AGM or EGM will be those in attendance, should be at least 40% of the total of
those eligible to vote
8. Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)
8.1 An EGM may be called by:
(i) The Chairperson
(ii) The General CORE Committee through a majority vote or
(iii) Written request of 25% of the Senior and Associate membership.
8.2 Notice, agenda requirements and voting entitlement for an EGM shall be the same as for an AGM.
8.3 Items for discussion is limited to Agenda items that the meeting was called for.
8.4 The Secretary will organise the meeting no later than 28 days after the meeting was called.
9. Amendments to Constitution
9.1 Amendments to this Constitution may be made only at an AGM or an EGM and must be carried by a
two-thirds majority.
10. Dissolution
10.1 If at any General Meeting of the Academy, a resolution be passed calling for the dissolution of the
Academy, the Secretary shall immediately convene an Extraordinary General Meeting of the
Academy to be held not less than one month thereafter to discuss and vote on the resolution.
If at the EGM, a resolution is carried by at least a two thirds majority of the Senior and/or Associate
members present at the meeting, the General Committee shall thereupon, or at such a date as shall
have been specified in the resolution, proceed to realise the assets of the Academy and discharge
all debts and liabilities of the Academy. Any surplus funds shall be distributed to a sport club with
similar aims.
11. Coaches and Ice use
11.1 On initial set up of the club, Amanda Hembrow will take on the role of Head coach, Ed
Jones as Assistant Head coach.
11.2 These are permanent roles; they will work as self-employed Coaches.
11.3 Coaches may only claim for the hours and expenses they have worked on behalf of SSSA
and its members.
11.4 Coaching hourly fees and expenses rates will be set annually and will be capped at a
maximum for the rate of coaches for their level within the rink where SSSA is based. This will
be recorded in the minutes of the appropriate committee meeting
11.5 If additional coaches are required they will be employed as self-employed Coaches on an
as and when basis, short term appointments will be decided by the permanent coaching team
and the committee. Coaching fees will be paid appropriate to their level.
11.6 All Coaches are required to keep their NISA qualification fully up to date and be full
members of NISA.
11.7 To protect the club in the case of falling membership both permanent coaches will only
work where the ratio of members is appropriate to the number of coaches required on ice.
11.8 Coaches will up hold all club regulations and NISA best practice regulations.
11.9 Should Amanda Hembrow and Ed Jones no longer wish to be the permanent coaches they
should give at least 3 months’ notice to the Secretary. It will be the roll of the CORE committee
with the advice of the departing permanent coaches to advertise and interview new coaches, a
short list will then be presented to an EGM to be voted on.
11.10 SSSA off ice sessions. These may be run by suitable qualified instructors/person for the
activity. All off ice activities will be approved by the permanent coaching team and the
Committee. Fees will be no more than industry norms.
11.11 Development Ice. From time to time, club ice will be allocated with the Agreement of
Committee and coaching team for the development of potential new members, they will pay a
session rate that allows them to become associate members for that session only. They will
have no voting rights. This ice time will not be to the detriment of current members.
12. Declaration
12.1 It is hereby certified that this document represents a true and most up to date version of the
Constitution of the Sheffield Synchronized Skating Academy,
Set up by initial committee. 27th March 2017
Up dated with amendment 4.1 and 4.2. as voted AGM on18th June 2019. Plus number corrections to run
in order.
Chairperson.............................................................. Date...........................................
Secretary................................................................... Date...........................................