Joining our club:
We hold trials every spring and will advertise them on this page.
If you are interested in joining after the trials then please contact us either via Facebook or our form.
We ask that you or your skater are:
skating at Skate UK Level 8 above.
able to attend sessions regularly, particularly leading up to competitions.
able to attend four competitions per year. Two of these will require a night away. Find out more about competitions here.
having an individual lesson in addition to synchro. This is really important for the development of your skills.
Training times
Friday 17.00 to 18.20 followed by off ice
Sunday 6.00am to 8.40 am followed by off ice.
Training times will depend on the team you are allocated to.
Sunday training may be for part or all of it depending on your team.
Thursday 16.10 to 17.10 Power and Edge (this is also open to non synchro skaters at a cost of £10 per session).
Monday 19.15 to 19.45 Flexibility and fitness with Kelly (Zoom session).
Changes to training times
Our scheduled ice time may occasionally be cancelled. We will then either accommodate more teams onto existing ice time or find other available sessions to book.. This will often be early in the morning.
The amount you pay covers all sessions above but will vary depending on which team you or your skater is in. There may be months where you have less ice time, but other months where you get more than normal. We factor this in when deciding how much each skaters subs are.
We communicate in two ways:
SPOND app to send out training information (it is important to register attendance / absence on this).
What's App team chats.
Parent Help
Volunteering is a really important part of our club. We wouldn't be here without the help of parents.
We wear:
a black jacket with the synchro logo on
black leggings
long hair must be in a bun
For Competitions you will be provided with:
a black suitcase
a coat
practice kit
costume and tights
Optional kit
a t-shirt with the logo on
a personalised rucksack
Our Parent Representative can help you with these items after you have joined.